Activities Covered
This document defines the general terms and conditions of participation for the following Balmoral Cycling Club activities:
- Criterium racing conducted at Murarrie Recreation Reserve
- Junior Development skills sessions and Junior Development simulated racing conducted at Murarrie Recreation Reserve
- Official Club track cycling training conducted at Anna Meares Velodrome, Chandler
- Official Club junior skills training and roller sessions at Murarrie Recreation Reserve or other nominated venue
- Balmoral Womens and Junior Tour, and
- Balmoral Metropolitan Championships.
General Conditions
Participants in the activities are expected to be familiar with and comply with :
- This document
- The policies, rules and regulations of AusCycling, and
- All state and federal road rules when riding on open roads.
Participants are expected to have a current AusCycling membership of the appropriate type and to ride in a safe and responsible manner at all times.
Junior Cyclists
A parent or guardian registering a rider under the age of 18 years, must agree to these terms and conditions on behalf of the junior rider.
Each year, parents or guardians are required to complete a Balmoral Photography Waiver on behalf of each rider under the age of 18. By agreeing to these conditions, you are confirming you have completed this waiver for the rider for the current calendar year.
Waiver, Release, and Indemnification
In consideration of the acceptance of my participation in this cycling activity by AusCycling and its agents:
- I hereby agree to comply with all the rules, regulations and instructions.
- For myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns, I hereby:
- Waive and release all claims I may have against AusCycling it’s officers, directors, events committee, volunteers, employees, agents and sponsors, the State of Queensland, the local Council, or any one or more of them, or their executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors or assigns (“the release”) including any and all claims for damages caused by the negligence of any of the above arising out of my participation in the event or as a result of any such claim whether valid or not, and:
- Indemnify and hold harmless the releases and each of them against any such claims that I or my guests or any one or more of the executors administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, and assigns may have or assert, and against any costs, including attorney’s fees with respect thereof.
- I hereby acknowledge that I have sole responsibility for my personal possessions and sporting equipment during the activity.
- I hereby acknowledge that participation in the activity carries with it potential hazard. I therefore release the promoting Club, the officers, directors, events committees, members, volunteers, employees, sponsors, of any liability resulting from injury or death during the event or it’s related activities.
- I hereby consent to receive any medical treatment that may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident, or illness during the activity.
- I hereby consent to Balmoral Cycling Club collecting and retaining personal information for the purposes of managing my participation in the activity.
Cancellation, Scratching and Refund
Balmoral CC seeks to make entry to its events/activities easy and convenient for riders.
At various times, we may need to cancel or postpone all or part of the activities planned, (e.g. as result of rain). The following clarifies how we manage these situations:
- Riders can self-scratch with full refund until the event entry closes.
We close rider registration as late as is practical.
Once scratched, riders can not re-enter the same event without seeking permission from the club, as refunds incur fees for Balmoral CC. - In the event of an activity being postponed, Balmoral CC will carry forward each rider’s registration to the new date.
Entries will be re-opened and riders may choose to self-scratch with refund or participate on the new date. - In the event of the activity being cancelled, Balmoral CC will initiate a full refund to all registered riders.
- If Balmoral CC conducts the activity, we will generally not refund a rider who does not participate for a reason outside of our control.
Balmoral Cycling Club Terms and Conditions V2.01 October 30, 2024.